August 2008 Archives

A Bus Story

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hybrid_electric_mayorgrey.jpgI have not taken a ride on a City bus for over 10 years. I did to-day because I got stuck over town without my car. I was dropped off at the Hudson,s Bay bus stop in Kelowna, got on a bus that said downtown and asked the driver if his bus went to the main depot at Queensway and he said yes. I asked him what bus I should transfer to to go to Boucherie and Quails Gate and he said # 24. I got on # 24 and picked up a schedule. I discovered I was on the wrong bus. The first driver had misinformed me. I asked the driver if his bus went along Boucherie Rd. to Quails Gate and he said no I should be on bus #20. I asked what I should do and he said I will have to transfer to bus # 20. I asked where do I do that and he did not answer but picked up his radio mike, contacted bus # 20 and asked his location. Bus #20 responded that he was coming up bridge hill and was about 5 minutes behind us.

Beach Fire

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The dusk hour is one of my favorite times to have a cup of tea by my beach fire and go over the events of the day and maybe think about a project I have on the go. I find that the tranquility of the setting, the utter quiet except for the soothing sound of the waves on the sand and the chatter of the water foul provide an incredible ambience for thought. When I plan and think about a project I can get mind pictures so clear I can see in my mind even the grain in the wood. The project right now is removing part of the old temperary shed roof at the back of the cabin aBeach Firend replacing it with a matching cedar wall and door. The old shed roof was very ugly looking and did not have a door. I have just enough cedar that I recovered from my daughter,s renovation to complete a matching wall and door. I had enough paint left over from painting the cabin last year to paint my new wall and door. The project actually turned out better than I had expected and really improved the appearance of the building.A junky ugly area attracts ugly junk. I have noticed  that my daughters and friends put the barbeque lawn mower and garden tools completely away now which proves that a really neat area promotes neatness.Completed shed roof reno projectThe fire pit is another nice feature on the beach. It consists of an old steel welding ring about 30 inches in diameter and is about 16 inches deep. It sits sunken down in the sand near the edge of the lawn. I usually finish my chores about eight o,clock and put on a cup of tea and light a small fire in the fire pit. It is very relaxing and easy to enjoy the quiet ambience of the beachThumbnail image for Evening tea time. I watch for a beaver that usually swims by at about this time. On one occasion a pair of lake Otters frollicked along the waters edge and disapeared in the rock groin to the east. One night I was very lucky to see a beautiful Osprey dive and completely submerge to catch a fish and fly away to feed the family. A family of Bald Eagles lives somewhere along the banks and also the Marsh Hawks ( Northern Harrier ) have been seen hovering over the banks and shoreline hunting for mice and rodents.

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